These tips and information for planting and growing Parsnips will help you in your garden or greenhouse.

Botanical Information: Pastinaca sativa
Quick Facts:
Parsnips are native to Europe and Asia and were introduced to North America in the 17th century. People used to believe (falsely) that eating parsnips could relieve a toothache or tired feet. Half a cup of sliced, cooked parsnips has 3 grams of fiber and only 55 calories.

Always sow a fresh seed. Parsnips growing season is very long, so you can plant it as soon as the soil is able to be worked.
Parsnips prefer an open, sunny site with deep, light soil. Sow seeds thinly, or sow three at 6in intervals, ½in deep, in rows 1ft apart.
Companions and Enemies
Some plants can help these plants grow. The most common are peas, bush beans, peppers, tomatoes, lettuce, rosemary and sage.
On the other hand, some plants will hinder them from growing. The most common are most potatoes and dill. Anything with large roots is not recommended.

Watering :
Parsnips need to be watered but getting them wet is not beneficial. It can interrupt root development. As roots approach maturity, you can reduce the watering which will prevent cracking.
Parsnips do best when planted in full sun, but they will tolerate part shade.
Parsnips are cross and insect pollinated and will cross with wild and other cultivated varieties.

Common Problems
The most common problem with leeks are diseases such as leaf spot, powdery mildew, root rot, and bacterial blight.
Parsnips are ready to harvest about 100 days from when the seeds were planted. The roots should be full size on the parsnip before they are harvested. This is about 1-2 inches in diameter and 8-12 inches long.
Storing & Preparing
Parsnips can be stored in the fridge for 2 – 3 weeks. Remove the tops before storing.
Cooked parsnips can be stored for 2-3 days in the fridge. Parsnips can also be frozen.
Parsnips can be roasted, boiled or sauteed. Think of them as a cross between carrots and potatoes. They can be mashed, added to pasta and more.
Planting and Growing Parsnips can be easy with these tips.
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